Training on occupational safety and health at Amtran Technology Vietnam-VSIP Company

Date post: 07-06-2019 | Admin

On June 1, 3, and 4, 2019, ISO Solutions conducted training courses on Occupational Safety and Health for statutory groups before the plant went into production.

Đào tạo An toàn lao động, vệ sinh lao động Amtran -VSIP

New business, young and enthusiastic employees, and the entire foreign leadership team sat with us in the courses and shared about Safety and welfare for employees.

Đào tạo An toàn, vệ sinh lao động tại Amtran - VSIP

Really happy with >200 votes getting 100% satisfied and looking forward to seeing us again. Compliments and too many excellent/excellent points for 3 Instructors!!!! We will accompany them with the upcoming 1,500-employee plan.

Đào tạo An toàn, vệ sinh lao động tại Amtran - VSIP

And certainly ISO Solutions is always passionate and devoted to its own values ​​and for Vietnamese workers, for a better working environment for ourselves and our children.

Đào tạo An toàn, vệ sinh lao động tại Amtran - VSIP

Hai Phong hot days because of the weather and because of the transformation and strong development of the city.

Đào tạo An toàn lao động, vệ sinh lao động tại Amtran - VSIP